Located across the Fraser River from Boston Bar at 64901 North Bend Station Road. (Off Chaumox Road) The North Bend Community Center is open Tuesdays & Saturdays from 12 pm - 3 pm
Drop-in Room

Our Drop-in Room upstairs houses three computers that provide free internet access, and can be used for numerous activities such as cribbage tournaments and community get-togethers.

Our museum offers residents, former residents and their families an opportunity to view their community from its beginning in the 1800’s to the present day. Visitors can reflect on their childhood days of attending the school, their activities during the summer and the team sports they participated in while living here. Do stop in for a visit to view the many pictures and local history of our community. You can also send an email to Steve Clark at [email protected]
pictures and more about the museum
Community Garden

The community garden is located behind the North Bend Community Center (the old N.B. school) across the Fraser River from Boston Bar. The garden rents out plots for only $10.00 to anyone wishing to indulge their green thumb while nurturing lasting friendships with other like-minded gardeners. The community gardeners often donate fresh produce to the Food Bank.